How you can support the women around you

Full disclosure, you should be doing these things daily.  But if it took a special named day to get your attention, and now that I have your attention, I’m going to tell you how you can support women in your personal and professional orbit. 

  1. Support our choices with our bodies. That includes keeping your unwanted hands and opinions to yourself.
  2. Pay women what they are worth. 
  3. Stop charging more for women’s products.
  4. Celebrate the successes of women.
  5. Listen to us. We have great ideas.
  6. Stop talking over us. Finishing my sentence isn’t even cute if we’re married.
  7. Don’t take credit for our ideas and our work.
  8. See to it that others see your example, and feel free to tell them to do better when needed.
  9. It doesn’t matter if we are feminine, masculine, or somewhere in between, we belong at the table, on the stage, anywhere we want to be.

And if you just can’t do the things above, get out of the way.  You don’t have to help, just stop making it harder.

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