How did I get here?
I recently posted a tweet, asking you how you got to Power Platform. The responses were great, full of so many different answers. I love how diverse they were, and how it really solidified for me that any path can be the right path.
For me, my path here was anything but intentional. Anyone that knew me as a young adult would have had me editing a big glossy magazine and living in Manhattan.
But a broken leg changed my path. When I was stuck with nothing to do, I started working as a software tester. Then I was writing requirements. Then I was architecting solutions. And now here I am.
Back when we called Power Platform plain old XRM, I was amazed at how much I could build without a single line of code. Now, we have an entire ecosystem to empower anyone. Wow.
I was always interested in tech, curious about how things work, how can we solve problems in the most logical way. When I had the chance to teach others how to do the same thing, I knew I found my place. The opportunity to help people find a better version of themselves is quite a motivator.
My work has brought me around the world. Seeing great things, meeting great people, eating great food.