How to craft a good entry for a call for speakers/presentations

I’ve presented probably hundreds of times. I’ve evaluated hundreds of sessions.

What sessions get picked? What sessions don’t get picked?

In general…

  1. Relevant topic is important. Super important.
  2. Unique topic is important. But not so niche that only 2 people will attend the session.
  3. Catchy, but not cutesy session title. Shorter is better.  We can help you with this later if needed.
  4. Catchy, but not cutesy session description. At least a paragraph, but not so long that I no longer need your presentation.
  5. If your session description is one poorly written sentence, but your bio is 5 paragraphs of perfection, that means you care about you (good) but don’t care about my event (bad).
  6. Fill out the details on the call for speakers. There’s lots of empty cells on those spreadsheets when we review, if yours is full of answers, we pay attention.
  7. When asked “how did you find out about us?” don’t say “online.” OF COURSE, you found out online, where, how, who?
  8. We don’t have to know you, but if we don’t make sure you have enough of an online presence that we can evaluate your fitness as a presenter and subject matter expert. Also, answer the question above if you have a named person that we do know that said to go submit, that gives credibility.
  9. I personally love to nurture new talent. So, don’t let lack of experience prevent you from submitting. And don’t assume a long pedigree is a magical front of the line pass.
  10. Ask for peer review on your submissions. Find someone that has subject matter expertise, and a good handle on the event, and get their feedback.
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