Best marketing email of the year! We’re the Spork People from Ignite
What is the goal of a marketing email? To get my attention? To make me remember? To show interest in your company? To buy something from you?
We’re the Spork People from Ignite
The subject line is awesome. It made me remember who they are, exactly who they are. (truth be told, it also made me feel a tiny bit guilty that I took the sporks and didn’t really know about their products; but now I know!)
The email text was also pretty clever. I remember them!
Trying to eat a steak with a spork is possible, but it’s a real challenge. Sure, your SPorganizer sporks have a serrated knife edge, but it’s going to take you a long time to cut into the meat. Just like eating a steak with a spork is a challenge, managing your SharePoint environment without SPorganizer is possible, but it’s a tedious undertaking. Check out the SPorganizer datasheet to learn more about how this product can streamline your SharePoint environment. We are also hosting a webinar on Wednesday, October 12th to demonstrate and discuss how SPorganizer can benefit any SharePoint environment, I’d love if you could join us.
Here's some info, click here for a datasheet and if you’re interested join my webinar. Says what it needs to say, respects my time, leaves it up to me to take the next step.
And in this case my next step is this blog post. What a great job!
Happy to offer a shoutout to Cate Godley and the team at DocAuto! Keep up the good work.