Where are all the high paying jobs?

They are all over the place! Turns out there are tons of them, over 500 of them sitting empty in my Congressional district alone. The average salary for these skilled professionals? Over $100,000! But with all of this opportunity out there, it brings our attention to a big gap in how we are educating our future professionals. Of the 51 high schools in my Congressional district, only eight of them offer computer science. Eight.

This problem is not unique to Colorado Springs. This problem is not unique to Colorado. It is a national issue. Nationwide there sits empty nearly 250,000 jobs. A quarter of a million high paying jobs just waiting for a qualified employee.

Your call to action is actually quite simple.

Ask your representative to support more funding for computer science education.

Some links for you.

Here is some info and a study on the national issue.

Here’s where you can find your representative to tell them what you need. Their job is to serve the needs of their constituents. That’s YOU!

Here's a fun video with stats.  Can you find me!?

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