The first year of a debilitating diagnosis
It’s been one year since I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Time flies when you’re having fun?
In that year I have cried a lot. Had a few pity parties. Gotten angry. Learned tons about auto-immune disorders (or are they conditions?). Took more steroids in that one year than the rest of my whole life combined. I’ve tried a few meds and started on one that is comparable to low-dose chemo. I’m pretty sure every single day had pain, I don’t remember a pain free day. There were varying degrees of pain. Some days annoying. Some days debilitating.
In that year I have also…
· Spoken at several conferences all over the world
· Had a bear try to get into my house
· Watched a herd of elephants play in a big pile of mud for hours
· Appeared on a career panel for impressionable young minds
· And cursed
· Twice
· Spent the day with my son in NYC
· Celebrated 14 years married to Mr. Right
· Got in a car accident
· Watched my brother-in-law get married
· Watched my son dance with his grandmother(s)
· Found a gas station gravy tap
· Hosted my girlfriends on a wonderful weekend in Breckenridge
· Discovered I am the fox whisperer
· Spent the first Christmas in 20 years without my daughter (I guess it was time for us both to grow up?)
· Had to explain to non-native English speakers way too many inappropriate things in Cards Against Humanity
· Found grey hair in my eyebrows (seriously, eyebrows?!)
· Captured someone’s marriage proposal with pictures
· Spoke to members of Congress about things that are important to me (and you)
· Purchased an acre of land for our next home
· Did not see Star Wars
· Caught a ball at an NBA game
· Celebrated New Year’s on a boat in the Caribbean under the stars
· Said goodbye to an old friend, INETA
· Smuggled gummi bears into the US Capitol Senate reception room
· Went to Spain
· And Turkey
· And Poland
· And Slovakia
· And Hungary
· And Hawaii
· And Africa
· And Holland
· And Belgium
· And UK
· Too many trips to Seattle to count
So, life goes on. And will continue to do so.