my week at a tech conference #wit

I went to a tech conference this past week.  We all know that as women in tech we have become used to less than stellar treatment.  I have spoken and blogged and written many times about women in tech and how we are treated.  Here’s the lowdown from this week.

I went to a tech conference.  Over a thousand people there, so a good medium-sized event. Male attendees out-numbered female attendees easily by 10 to 1.

I attended sessions.  No one cared about my gender.

I asked questions in sessions.  No one cared about my gender.

I went to evening events.  No one cared about my gender.

I ate in the standard chow hall with all the other attendees.  No one cared about my gender.

I went to a tech conference and no one cared about my gender.  Is this how men feel?  

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New book out! #CRM Mobile Survival Guide!

Dec 2
CRM MVP Joel Lindstrom has authored this great, easy read. If mobile is on your to-do list, you need this book. Order direct from the publisher at In the Dynamics CRM Mobile Survival Guide book, you will find tips...
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DigiGirlz Denver April 15!

Feb 23
I’ll be there….holler if you want to help…send along the link to any young women you think should attend. Here’s the details: Microsoft is excited to announce DigiGirlz 2015 is open for registration. Please join us on April 15th, 2015...


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