New book out! #CRM Mobile Survival Guide!

CRM MVP Joel Lindstrom has authored this great, easy read.  If mobile is on your to-do list, you need this book.  Order direct from the publisher at


In the Dynamics CRM Mobile Survival Guide book, you will find tips and tricks on how to master mobile CRM like never before. You will learn what the strengths and limitations of the major device types are, what the best practices for mobile deployments are, and you will learn about the nuances of each of the mobile interfaces. This book will help you push the limits of the mobile UI and help you find what else is out there. The CRM Mobile books is full of all information needed to master CRM for mobile devices. Keep an eye out for the bonus chapter on what’s coming with CRM 2015!

Head over to and use discount code FriendofJulie for a deal on the print book.  The eBook is only $9.99 so we don’t have additional discounts.

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