Call for speakers Denver Dev Day
Are you looking for a reason to come to beautiful Colorado? Well, Denver Dev Day is happening again October 18, 2014, in time for our fall colors. If you’ve never seen the stunning golden aspen trees, you really should! And if you have seen Colorado in the fall, you know exactly why you should come back in October.
Though the last Denver Dev Day was rather focused, our attendees have asked for quite a variety of technical topics to be covered for October. So, submit your sessions now! We need 60 minute sessions and lightning talks (10 minutes or so). If you’ve got a good topic for an extended session, tell us that in your submission so we can try to fit that in too. We are seeking up and coming speakers and super stars alike. So whichever category you put yourself in, we have a spot for you.
Some logistics for you:
The link to the speaker registration is
The event will be at the Microsoft Office, Denver, Colorado
The event will be held on Saturday, October 18, 2014 from 8:30 to 1:00 PM
We are in the process of securing sponsorships at this time. Right now we cannot offer any travel subsidies, but that might change. If you know of any potential sponsors, send them our way!
Questions and suggestions, please contact: Julie Yack, [email protected]