Around the World- Animals of Africa- The Sleepers

(these animals here in this post are all on watch lists and/or full on endangered)

We stumbled upon this leopard, he doesn’t have a care in the world. He almost looks cuddly, no? Aren’t they supposed to be nocturnal?


This male lion is part of a group of four male lions that claim much of Mala Mala as their territory. He was rolling and stretching in his sleep on the side of the Sand River.


These two lions are part of a pride of nine lions, the group had just finished eating a giraffe together. That is tiring, I suppose.


This white rhino almost looks like it is posing for us. It was early (like maybe 6am?) and he was just waking up. He was sleeping near the airstrip at Mala Mala.


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Installing CRM tablet app on Windows 8 for upgraded CRM online org

Oct 17
Download from store. Install. Enter url for CRM org. It works.
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Around the World, Here kitty kitty

Oct 25
Not a lot of time to write these days, we’re moving around pretty quickly. So here’s some cute kitty pictures from Africa to tide you over. This young leopard was fun to watch for a few. He was restless but...


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