We left our home at 4am on Saturday to head to the airport in Colorado Springs (instead of taxi or waking friends to drive us, we did a one-way car rental from our end of town to the airport, was $30). That first flight was totally uneventful (the goal of EVERY flight, no?), we stopped in DC for a few hours, had some bad food for lunch and boarded our Lufthansa flight for Frankfurt. The seats were fairly typical for international business class except for a few notable exceptions. The lie-flat position was really not all that flat, and the angle was such that I had a hard time sleeping, it felt like I was constantly sliding down the seat at my feet. The cubby area for storage around the seat was good, place for headphones and small items and a special spot for my glasses. Food was yummy, wine was yummy.

We had great tail winds and even with taking off almost 30 minutes late we arrived a bit early. The Frankfurt airport was a bit confusing to me, I didn’t know if I had to go through customs to get my bag and then re-check it before I could go to my next flight, or was I supposed to go straight to my flight and clear customs in Norway. No signs to direct me to customs, only signs to gates and exits. I finally actually just asked someone and was told to go directly to my next flight, no need for customs. We had just over an hour before the next flight and went to the Lufthansa lounge. Snacks, coffee and comfy chairs with power for charging our devices. They also had this nifty napping room, four “beds” in a quiet room with dim lighting. Pretty much out in the open in the room, no privacy, no hanky panky and if you’re a light sleeper, no sleep either.
Flight to Norway was a bit bumpy, but otherwise nothing special. We get our bags (first and third off the plane!), wheel our carts through the green zone (nothing to declare) and head out. We find an ATM to get some local currency (we think this is a great idea and know what bank/accounts we have who have favorable fees when we travel). Then over the get the car and we’re ready to go. Well, no. As we load up the car, Dave says we’re missing a bag. Oh $&(#(, yes we forgot to get one from the luggage carousel. At the last minute we decided to bring an empty camera bag for carrying around the city so neither of us had to carry a big huge heavy bag around when we’re out walking around. I totally forgot we even brought it. So, now we had to somehow get the bag back from no man’s land, between customs and the outside world. Ok, first place we go is the customs desk. Very nice, very efficient (did I mention we’re in Scandinavia, they KNOW efficiency here) but not our guy. Pointed to the information booth, they could help us, a mere 20 meters away. We go speak with her, and she says go walk over there (the magic area, back to customs) and go speak with the airline baggage folks and she buzzes us in to the secure area. Ok, we find the airline lady and she escorts us right to the area with the bag, just going around and around. She walks with us to the RED zone of customs. The same guy that we started with was standing right there, smiled and said “oh great, you have your bag” and waved us right through. From the first “can you help us” to the airport exit was maybe 7 minutes. Yes, these people know how to be efficient.
Ok, drive into town, find our hotel, no rooms available yet (it was 11am). We get a recommendation for food and head over to the place, a local bakery United Bakery. We had great service and good food. Head back toward the hotel and get our car, go drive around. Wander here and there, look a squirrel turn here. Wow, opera house, go there. Back to our hotel and check in. The room is tiny but perfectly adequate, we’re only here for one night and it’s clean. The bathroom is smaller still but take a look at the efficient use of space, small space, and decent size shower. The doors fold in to make more room available, then when you’re showering and not needing the rest of the bathroom, they enclose your shower.

By this time we had to nap, we kept it to an hour then got up to wander around some more. We went to Statue Park. Holy moly this place was weird. Lots of greenery around, colorful flowers and as you likely guessed by now, statues. Lots of them. Creepy ones. Bronze storyboards going around a fountain depicting everything from life and death to children playing or being eaten by a wolf to hetero sex, gay sex and threesomes. Not sure what story they were trying to tell, but it was a weird one. Notice the little boy on the left being eaten by the wolf, while the one on top of the wolf has this sick crazy person smile.

The rest of the statues around the park were crazy weird too.

Do not anger the statue, she will eat you.

So after the crazy statue park, we were starving. We found a Chinese place to eat. When you travel you find out that there are local variations of ethnic foods, but for all intents and purposes they are much the same worldwide. This place was clean (probably the most important thing when looking for a place to eat in a stragne land) and there were a few people already there, but we were early for dinner, our internal clocks were still off a bit. It’s a tough call, wait until it’s full on dinnertime and go to the place crowded with locals, you know you’re going to love the food. But, then you’re the needy tourist, likely not speak the language, you’ll annoy the wait staff. I ordered “deep fried chicken with peanuts”. That is exactly what I got. With a bowl of sweet and sour sauce for dipping. It was yummy. I ATE LOTS OF FOOD.

From there we headed back to our hotel and I tried to do some work, like write this blog post. Dave had already given in and went to sleep by 8pm, I lasted only another 15 minutes.
We slept a full 8 hours, maybe a little more. Now we’re up at 5am, getting a few hours of work done before hotel breakfast starts. After breakfast we head out in the car for Flam. It’s about a 4 or 5 hour drive, but we plan to take all day to get there. Today is about the trip AND the destination. We overnight in the tiny town of Flam. Tomorrow we take a scenic mountain train from Flam to Myrdal, then another train from Myrdal to Bergen (these guys are from Bergen). We overnight in Bergen, then take a 5 hour boat from Bergen through the fjords back to Flam, then drive back to Oslo before heading to Eastern Europe.