Around the World- total miscellaneous stuff just for fun
Dance like no one is watching (Venice Italy)
Does this look like a $13.25 cup of coffee? Total cost of this little snack, $41.65. (Venice Italy)
Laundry day, thank you REI concentrated soap. (Zadar Croatia)
What do these icons mean? Load up your friends and go out for coffee? (Norway)
No car races on Lufthansa (flight IAD-FRA)
In Norway 301-303 are not included in 300-305 (Bergen Norway)
Some staircases need traffic lights (Prague Czech)
No matter how good the effort, sometimes translations just don’t work. Whipped cream and bacon on your pizza? (Budapest Hungary)
Perfect illustration of why you should only travel with what you can carry on stairs (Venice Italy)
In case of fire, keep calm and read the newspaper. (Budapest Hungary)