Around the World- catching up! Italy, Germany, Austria…

Sorry it’s been a few days, been busy mostly working, some driving and some site-seeing. 

Italy- Venice very lovely place.  It takes FOREVER to go from one place to another.  Unless your plan is to eat next door to your hotel, start looking for food an hour before you’re hungry.  And expect to pay a lot.  A lot.  Venice was more expensive than other places I’ve been in Italy, like Rome.  The people are typical Italians, a tad on the rude side, but I’m sure they get tired of us American tourists.  There were about as many Americans as Italians.  That’s good and bad.  I hardly had a chance to use the dozen Italians words I know.

Driving from Italy to Germany was very pretty.  Might have to go back and visit wine country and do a few tours in Italy.  And by tours I totally mean drink lots of yummy wine.

We drove for about 90 minutes in Austria but had to buy the Vignette still and the tolls we pretty high in Italy.  Driving was good for independence, but still pretty costly.

Then to Germany, we stayed one night at an adorable little family-owned hotel.  They should have asked how tall we were, because we bonked our heads on the low ceilings a few times.

We tried to go see Neuschweinstein Castle but the fog was soooo thick we could barely see it when we were actually touching it.  Not worth posting any of the 8 pictures I took.

Now we are with friends for a few days, then off to Istanbul.

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Around the World- total miscellaneous stuff just for fun

Sep 27
Dance like no one is watching (Venice Italy) Does this look like a $13.25 cup of coffee? Total cost of this little snack, $41.65. (Venice Italy) Laundry day, thank you REI concentrated soap. (Zadar Croatia) What do these icons mean?...
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Around the World- travel to troubled places? Going to Turkey tomorrow

Oct 1
I write this BEFORE going to Istanbul. My opinions are subject to change after I am there. But, this is how we have planned our stop in Istanbul. Review travel warnings. Not just from YOUR government, but from a global...


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