So @marissamayer was in Vogue…who cares?
So she is intelligent and successful and she happens to have great legs and good hair. I had heard about the (gasp!) photos of her that accompanied the story and was expecting something risqué and controversial. I was all ready to be offended and disappointed. Well I’m am none of those things. Sure she looks awesome, it’s Vogue for crying out loud, that’s what they do. There’s no boobs hanging out, the dress goes to her knees and did you see THOSE SHOES?! BUT, if you find arms or shins or awesome hair sexy, I guess this could be considered sexy. I find it whimsical, artsy-fartsy, not provocative.
As I scrolled and read the article I was quite pleased to read that she is about as nerdy as I am. But it is also apparent that it’s ok for us professional women in technology to be feminine.
If you have a problem with intelligent women also being attractive, that is obviously YOUR problem. As to why is she is Vogue? WHY NOT? Not that Vogue is knocking on my door, but it might be cool to get all dolled up (with strategic post-production photoshop) AND talk about nerdy stuff and be all successful-like to another audience of powerful women.
And for the record, I have been and still am a Yahoo! search engine user. It started way back in the 90s when I was first spending lots of time online (I used to have a BBS and was an IRC chat room host from my house in Belgium, paying for internet by the fraction of a minute). It is now cemented in my brain, it is a habit and what I am used to, and it works for me.
As if I needed more proof of my nerd status, I as I was scrolling the page to read the article, I realized it was quite long. So I scrolled to the top of the page (ok, it’s a touchscreen so I did the touch equivalent to scrolling, dragging? Swiping?) to see if there was a control above the article for a “read all” option instead of paging thru 7 or more pages. What I found was a nerdy distraction. At (the article is linked below, go play with it) when you scroll DOWN a page, the top nav disappears, it essentially scrolls away, as expected. But, once it is gone, as soon as you scroll UP, it comes back, regardless of where you are on he page, so it may not come back at its original placement on the page, but it’s there for you. It’s intuitive and cool and I sat here and tried to screw it up and just could not break it. That’s rare, I can usually break almost any software/website.
Couldn't agree with you more. The article was great and she was tastefully represented. She is an affirmation to the female geek in the workplace. It is a great feeling when you are simply referred to as one of the guys because they have looked beyond your gender.
Posted by: Sarah J | August 23, 2013 at 08:57 AM