Gender pay gap in Dynamics

I was recently interviewed for a story on the gender pay gap for Dynamics professionals.  A recent study by Nigel Frank showed about 11% pay gap for folks in the same role, different gender.  That’s actually not an awful statistic.  It shouldn’t exist at all, but I am far too realistic to think we’ll never have a pay gap of some variety.

I have been on record many times on this subject (maybe that’s why they keep asking me for more quotes Smile). 

The survey also shows a big gap in the amount of women working in Dynamics roles. It seems that 77% of Dynamics CRM pros are men.  In my experience that is a good thing.  When I’m the only woman in the room at a professional event, I am remembered.  I don’t blend in with a bunch of other stereotypical male geeks.  To me, that’s free advertising.

For the interview we chatted a bit about not only pay gaps and gender make-up in the Dynamics World, but also about work-life balance.  How to be a working parent and so on.  But the story didn’t use what was my best quote on the pay gap.

“Sure you can have it all.  Just not all at the same time”

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Sarah Jelinek

The gap isn't huge but I wish there were no gap at all. I agree with your statement about being a female in a profession of mostly males. You are remembered better than others.

crmhunt (Amar)

I agree with you Julie and Sarah.

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