Convergence 2013- a “how-to” from a veteran

I have been to many tech conferences.  This will be my 8th (I think maybe, not sure) Convergence.  I know every year there are folks that are new and folks that are not new and didn’t have a good time last time they attended.  Here’s my “How to have a good conference” advice.

  1. Wear good shoes.  ‘Nuf said.
  2. Pick sessions in advance.  But not all of your sessions.  Learning something on Monday might trigger an interest in a topic you can see on Wednesday.  (session catalog).  Sure I’d suggest you attend my sessions, but only if they work for you.
  3. Plan for loads of time in the expo hall.  You cannot spend enough time here.  This is where round one of networking happens.  Spend more time listening here.
  4. Plan to attend the evening events, aka “the parties”.  There are many.  If you’re a drinker, have a drink or two.  DO NOT BE THAT ONE DRUNK GUY (or girl) dancing on the stage with the band or puking in the corner.  This is round two of networking, spend equal time talking and listening here.  When people are a little more relaxed, sell yourself (or company or product, etc.).
  5. It’s not ALL business.  I enjoy seeing friends I have made, and meeting new ones.  It is ok to talk about your life and not just CRM or the weather.
  6. Learn some etiquette on how to approach someone you know online only. Big difference between “Hey, I follow your posts on twitter, it’s great to finally meet you”  and “I follow you”.
  7. Conference food.  It may or may not be your thing.  I will typically make sure to have a good breakfast and a conference hall lunch.  Then there’s dinner.  This one is tough with the parties I mentioned above.  Especially if you want to have a drink or two.  Each party will typically have finger foods.  Pick carefully, some good proteins and a handful of carbs.  Food in New Orleans is good, break the rules and sneak out for a meal one day/night.
  8. Listen more than you talk, this conference is full of smart people.  Yes, that includes you, but you are 1 in 11,000 people, learn from those around you. 
  9. When you tell someone you will follow-up with a call or email after the event, DO IT.
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