Techies in Colorado here’s your chance to give back! @COGiveCamp

We all like to make a difference.  Sometimes it’s hard to figure out a way to do that.  Lucky for you, my fellow Colorado nerds, Give Camp is back again!  The weekend of October 26-28 looks to be a great weekend of long hours, happy charities and overall warm-fuzzies and productive geeks.  This event is hosted in Colorado Springs at DeVry University.

Past events have helped many charities and Colorado is not the only place that has these events, it’s a nationwide effort, but I want to make sure that Colorado opens its hearts and brains and shows how much we care and that we are willing to back it up.

Your action item?  Go visit to learn more and to sign up.  If you can’t sign up to help this time, go ahead and click on that donate button, give a few bucks.  We need people that write code, people that know SQL, people that understand requirements, make test plans, manage projects…pretty much if you work as part of the software-making process, you qualify.  AND if by chance you read this and are not a techie, you can help out too, maybe with some organization, maybe picking up food for some hungry coders, maybe tucking them in under a blankie in the corner of the workroom for their 2am nap.  Trust me, if you want to help, we can find your skillset and make it happen.

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