I am now a decided voter in a swing county in a swing state, thanks to my daughter #mykidisawesome

I have been very forthcoming with my personal struggle for this year’s Presidential election.  Even today I was researching what I hoped were reliable polls that might help me decide.  I was looking to see who would likely carry the House and/or Senate races.  I looked there to see if one party or the other were to be a stronghold I would then cast my vote for the President I felt could be more productive with THAT Congress.  No luck there, the estimates and polls are all within the margin of error.  It would be easier to be fanatical one way or the other and just blindly pick someone based on their party affiliation.

Until just a few minutes ago, I was an honest-to-goodness undecided voter.  Then my 17 year old daughter talked me through the issues that I care about and I instantly knew where my vote would go.  (Give me a second here to be proud of my daughter for being able to, at age 17, talk about all of these issues in such an articulate manner.  If she didn’t want to be a surgeon she could totally be my President one day)

What issues?  What are my opinions on the issues?  What influenced my vote?

From where I sit the republicans are good for the economy and good for small business.  Those are both important to me.  Democrats talk about small business support, but in my experience and research their plan is more about helping businesses that struggle and then taxing the hell out of the owners when they are successful.  Dems want me to take out a loan. I don’t WANT a loan.  I want to be a responsible business owner and keep some extra money in the bank so I can still meet payroll during those months clients decide to be late with paying me.  I do that now, but get taxed for it, as if it were income.  And let’s just throw in zero-based budgeting every now and then for good measure, k?

The reproductive freedoms of the next generation is a big deal to me.  There is simply not much room to negotiate the mainstream republican stance on this, and it shouldn’t be a negotiation at all.  I hope that as a parent I have taught my children well and that they take ownership of their own bodies and take preventative measures where they need to do that.  But, I know that’s not always the case, by choice or not.  And I know that insurance to pay for prevention is a big deal (especially if it pays for ED drugs).  And I know that a crotchety old man thinking about my daughter’s reproductive life should be ashamed of himself and get a new hobby.  Own YOUR own reproductive parts, and I will do the same for mine.

Then we go to foreign policy.  This is a bit of a tie for me.  There’s three general types of foreign policy, fiscal policy, tragedy policy and who moved my cheese policy.  Republicans get the fiscal stuff.  The dems got the who moved my cheese covered.  Let’s all do our part in the UN to take care of the tragedy stuff.  I am a global citizen and have no problem with outsourcing.  Step it up my fellow Americans, learn something new, we’ll define the next wave and grow some more.  And no one wants Iran to be nuclear, but as a sovereign nation, not sure we have the right to anything more than an opinion on this one.

“Obamacare”.  They are both wrong.  There are some great things in this.  There are some not great things in this.  BUT, repealing it is the wrong approach.  It does more good than harm, so line-item legislate out the wonky stuff.  That would require legislators to ACTUALLY READ it and know what they are voting for or against.  Too bad, get over it, it’s what we pay you for.  Get to work.

Not working together.  Both sides again share this one.  Just because the dems SAY they want to work together, they didn’t put up much of a fight to get something, ANYTHING, done.  And the republicans, seriously, stop wasting our time and money on useless votes to repeal Obamacare.  DO SOMETHING.

The republicans tend to have more people with a pure hatred of anyone with an opposing opinion (like serious, emotionally driven HATE, it gets ugly). 

The democrats would prefer I not take the time or energy to do my research and just scare me into voting for them (I personally know the difference between income tax and capital gains tax and it doesn’t bother me one bit that the second time you get taxed that the rate is less).

Both want our kids to get a college education.  Republicans want my kids to borrow money from ME to pay for it.  Dems want it to be cheaper, but then give my college educated kid a job on a manufacturing line.

And the one that tipped the scale?

Gay rights.  There is no place for gay rights on the republican ticket.  THAT IS NOT OK. 


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gee thanks! now look what you've done! http://politicalticker.blogs.cnn.com/2012/11/01/cnn-poll-tight-race-in-rocky-mountain-battleground-2/

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