Join us Sept 15 in Colorado Springs to thank our nation’s firefighters

Just got off the phone with the Colorado Springs Independent and it would seem that our Facebook event page link is not very friendly.  So, here’s a blog post with details.  No RSVPing needed, just show up, hold hands with other community members and say thanks for all our firefighters do for us.  Think back to the 80’s when we did Hands Across America…


We all have been looking for a way to say thanks to our first responders that worked so hard putting their lives on the line to save our community during the Waldo Canyon Fire and every other day of the year. We have a chance to show our support on September 15. The Ride to Remember is an annual event honoring fallen firefighters. Let’s line the route just like we all did in the 80s with Hands Across America. We need 26,400 people holding hands to line the street on both sides along the route.

The route starts at the Promenade Shops at Briargate, goes east on Briargare Parkway and south on Union to the Memorial at Union and Pikes Peak. That’s just over 10 miles to cover. In a city with the heart of Colorado Springs, this should be easy. Wouldn’t it be great to have rows of people holding hands showing our thanks?!

It takes 1,320 people to cover a single mile for one side of the road. That’s only 660 for a half mile. 330 for a quarter mile. This is getting easier and easier!

The ride starts at noon, so we should plan to be lined up well before, roads will be closing to allow the riders to pass easily.
Let's do this!

(the Ride to Remember happens every year, so we can make this annual too!)

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