Big boobs fiasco?
Seriously? Some dumbass uses something in code labeled with 0xB16B00B5 and people are up in arms? Have a sense of humor people. The story is linked below. But in the interest of adding humor to an otherwise potentially dull life of a developer, I submit to you my new error messages.
B16B00B5- Big Boobs error. Use this when you have stupid user errors. For example, when users click “next” 8 times and they get an error.
B16B00BB1e5- Big Boobies error. A more severe form of Big Boobs. Developers could throw this exception when a form fails validation on fields that display sample field data. Such as date entries that show format on the form DD/MM/YYYY and user enters something else.
00p$- Oops error. Something broke, I know what it is, but I’m a developer and can’t figure out how to write it in end user friendly words. Where’s a BA when you need one?
+igh+@$$- Tightass error. Throw this error when you have to cut scope on a project because you run out of money.
j@ck@$$- Jackass error. You know when one dev wants to do it THIS way. And the other insists they do it THAT way. Yea, that.
get@c1u3- GetAClue error. When the developer could have spent 5 minutes searching the interwebs and makes a stupid mistake.
B1ueB@11$- BlueBalls error. When you spend ALL FRIKKIN DAY solving a problem that should have been done fast.
Id10t- Idiot, aka I-D-10-T error. Oldie but goodie. Pure and simple user error.
May I suggest to include a frequently timed 'a Known error occured' message when sameError > MAX_SAME_ERRORS_ALLOWED
Posted by: Boudewijn | July 26, 2012 at 12:28 PM
I suggest that people look beyond the top 20 most voted RFE's because there may be others they they are interested in.
Posted by: Social media Developer | August 15, 2012 at 09:38 PM