Things aren’t always as they first appear

Nine years ago this week I slipped on an icy handicap ramp and wound up with a compound tib/fib fracture (yes, I can appreciate the irony).  It was a hell of a break, I pretty much slipped just right and shattered almost everything from knee to ankle, with a few bits of bone sticking through the skin for good measure.  The fun part of the story is that the sight of my leg actually made all the firemen say “ewww.”  Another good part is that Dave was out of town, little kids were getting dropped off at school and with me in an ambulance our back-up plan worked.  This person picked up kids from school, someone else took care of the dog, another friend picked up Dave from the airport and brought him to the hospital.  No one wants to use their “just in case” plan, but ours worked.  Surgery, days of hospitalization and six months with my ass in a chair cause I wasn’t allowed any weight-bearing.

I have loads more stories of that day and of my travel adventures as wheel-chair bound Julie, but that’s a whole other blog post.

But, a wise man told me that my breaking my leg was the best thing to happen to me professionally.

Once I was home and mostly free of narcotics hubby handed me a laptop and basically said “make software.”  I had been sitting in the lazy boy in the living room, really being an awful couch potato.  But I had been passively involved with CTC since its inception, but I hadn’t yet found my place.  Suddenly I found my place.  I loved this software thing.  And I was good at it.  And the rest his history. 

I have loved working with my husband.  He is by far the smartest man I know and I get to work with him everyday.  Collaborate on projects.  I don’t think I can ever work someplace else though, I am spoiled.  I try to be the kind of boss I always wanted to have and that includes to myself.  The chances of me being where I am now had I not broken my leg?  Nada. 

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Used Macbook Pros

So I still feel comfortable with my recommendation: if your main production machine is a desktop or laptop computer, upgrade to Windows 7 now (if you haven’t already) and avoid Windows 8 like the plague.

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