Hey @xRMVirtual- we’ve got SWAG from @INETA

This month marks INETA’s 10th anniversary and as a member of INETA they sent presents to us!  We get goodies all the time from different places, but how do we get it out to our global membership on our shoestring budget?  It’s nearly impossible.  The goodies we have now…they are all downloads, valuable downloads, tools, books, etc. 

In traditional on-ground user groups you have a drawing of attendees to give away stuff.  Our members can’t always attend a meeting as it happens, we’re pretty global, our recordings get more views than our live meetings.  I think we have a good plan to address this problem.

Thanks to INETA, ComponentOne, GrapeCity Power Tools, &  Infragistics, we’re giving away one ComponentOne Ultimate (full version, valued at $1995), one GrapeCity PowerSuite (valued at $1999) and one Infragistics NetAdvantage Ultimate (valued at $1800).

The heart of any user group is its members, and we would love more of you to be involved and can now bribe you with SWAG Smile. We want your ideas for speakers and topics for future meetings.  What do you want to learn about?  What do you want to present to the group?  Everyone who submits an entry will receive a free online cookbook from GrapeCity, written by their .net people (yes, the .net people can cook – some better than others). Everyone that submits an idea will be entered into a weekly drawing, winner of the weekly drawing picks from available items mentioned above.This will go in three week-long waves, your entry is valid for the week you submitted and won’t carry over.  So if you have three ideas, you might want to spread out the entries to get entered into each drawing.  Folks that submit AND offer to present it to the group get entered into that week’s drawing twice!

How to enter?  The Contact Us page on the group website, that gets it time stamped and into our CRM, where we already manage speakers/content.  The weeks run from Sunday to Saturday, mountain time (since that’s where I am and it makes it do-able for me to manage).

Oh, it you tweet about this and tag the user group (@xrmvirtual) you get an entry into that week’s drawing too. 

Winner chosen randomly from eligible entries for that week.  We will read your entry and if you submit total nonsense just for the chance at a prize, your entry will get thrown out.

Week One:  February 12-18
Week Two:  February 19-25
Week Three:  February 26-March 3


xRMVirtual User Group - Contact Us

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