Stop Online Piracy Act.  Sounds like a great idea on the surface.  AND, for all you know it could quite possibly be a great thing.  But do you know?  What do you know about it?  You heard this?  Someone complained about that?  Your politician of choice is in favor of it?  Against it?  Do you even know?

I am concerned about SOPA as it is written now.  As a provider of IP (intellectual property) I am generally in favor of protecting the assets I create, either for me or my clients.  I am concerned about SOPA because I think it goes a bit too far.  I am often concerned when people don’t know much about technology (career politicians) and then try to regulate it.  I compare it to all the complaints I hear of executives from health insurance companies regulating our health care choices instead of trained medical professionals.  Not with the same potential life and death results, but still similar.

I won’t go into loads of details defending my opinion, but I will challenge you to go find your own resources and learn about it.  Form your own opinion.  And if you agree with it, after you do your research, that’s totally fine by me.  And if you disagree with it, call your legislators.  Don’t email them.  Call.  No one calls anymore, it holds more weight when you take time to place that call.  (go to to find your rep if you don’t know)

If you are not in the US, not to worry.  SOPA here in the US WILL affect your digital life.  And, chances are there’s something quite similar happening where you live too.

I will caution you to consider the resources you find with info about SOPA (or your local equivalent).  Sites like Wikipedia are totally against it and will likely be slanted in that direction, even with the best of intentions.  Find more than a single source of info and find what you need to know.  It is irresponsible to be uneducated on this matter in this day and age, especially if somehow you wound up here, reading THIS blog.

It’s ok if you don’t agree with me and my reservations and you support SOPA.  I only ask that you are an educated supporter of whatever opinion you have.

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eXtremeCRM 2012 Berlin

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