eXtremeCRM 2012 Berlin

As you may know, I spoke at the eXtremeCRM conference in Las Vegas just a few months ago.  The same group is hosting the Berlin conference in just a few weeks (Feb 5-8).  Here’s some details about the conference (yes, some is cut and pasted PR content, some is my own words).  Several of the speakers are friends of mine, all great folks.

At eXtremeCRM 2012 Berlin you will:

· Hear informative keynote addresses from Microsoft executives

· Sit front-row at the first-ever eXtreme App Challenge.  Partner developers facing off in the development of CRM-specific applications is sure to be exciting.

· Attend an eXtremeCRM conference that includes both partners and end-users.

· Ask partner leadership about the first Practice Leader Summit.  I’ve read about the workshop-style event and it sounds like the perfect share-learn-strategize combination for partner leaders.

· Attend high-level sessions led by experts at Microsoft and in the CRM industry.  You can see the role-specific content at http://extremecrm.com/eXtremeCRM2012BerlinConferenceAgenda.aspx.


eXtremeCRM 2012 Berlin

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