On the 4th day of CRM Dynamics gave to me… 4 certification exams

Yes, really it’s ME saying that.  She who failed an exam and blogged about it (for the record I passed more than one well before I failed one).

Just to get them out there, these are the four exams:

  • Applications
  • Customization and configuration
  • Installation and deployment
  • Extending CRM

I understand the need for these exams and that’s why they make the list.  I will caution that they are just one way of measuring someone’s CRM KNOWLEDGE and that you still need CRM SKILLS to be good at this gig.

How can you pass these exams (and why should you listen to me)?  First, the why.  I have passed more than I have failed.  I have learned from failing the exam. 

Now for the how.

First, review the materials available online.  There is official published content about exam contents, in a general sense.  If you are a good test taker and know CRM fairly well, this might be enough. 

Then you have official courseware.  This is good if you have next to no CRM experience and need to take the exam for one reason or another.  This path might also be good if you need a refresher from a prior version, so you can take an exam on a new release.

Then there are the ever-popular sample test prep providers.  I will admit I used this type of resource for my first certification exam.  But for me it didn’t provide me with much.  I learned so much more from getting a good book and reading it.  These providers get their material in a less than honest way, and I for one can’t feel good if I knew that any part off my certification might feel like cheating.  you may not feel that way, that’s up to you.  But, you’re not going to get a list from me of where to find this type of resource.

Oh, what did I learn from failing the exam?  I learned to use the time looking at the exam to study for the next time I take it.  So, if you get in there and you’re looking at the exam, you will probably have a gut feel of how it’s going.  When you know it’s going bad, SLOW DOWN.  Read and re-read every question, every answer.  Study the test.  Then as soon as you can, review what you remember.  You have your own sample test in your head that you got legitimately.  You have two hours (I think) to take the exam, USE IT. 

Don’t get me wrong, these exams/certifications are not without flaws; just like most exams/certifications.  They are ONE tool in the toolbox.  Treat them as that and you’ll be fine.

Preview for tomorrow…On the 5th day of CRM Dynamics gave to me… 5 great books

On the 3rd day of CRM Dynamics gave to me… 3 user groups

So if you’ve ever been here before, or know me at all, I bet you’re surprised it took me this long to bring up community.  There are two big user groups for CRM and then the third will take a little effort from you.

xRMVirtual- This group has far exceeded any expectations I could have ever thought of, it’s been great.  We are a virtual user group and meet typically monthly (sometimes more or less depending on things like releases, schedules, etc.).  We’ve been doing this now for a few years, who knew that such a specialized topic, like CRM development, would be this strong even years later.  Our topics range from beginner to advance, and we love to get new speakers in front of the group.  I think we’re a great launching pad for folks that want to get their name out there in the CRM world, and we are happy to help (really it helps us too, but you knew that, right?).  Join us in just a couple of hours to hear about best practices in solutions management in CRM.  We are free to join, free to attend.  We record and post all our meetings so that our global membership can view it at their convenience.

CRMUG- this group comes under a pretty big umbrella of Dynamics user groups.  They have virtual meetings, based on specialties.  They have in-person meetings based on geography.  This group has various levels of free and paid memberships, go check them out.  They are good people doing good things.

Now to to the third item on the list.  I am a huge believer in knowing more than just YOUR job, and this certainly applies to software development teams too.  You never know where and when the technology shifts will happen, or the layoffs/downsizing/reorganizations either. This helps you do your job better, and it helps you maintain long-term employability.  So, the third user group on the list is one outside your normal day-to-day job, but still in your comfort zone.  Go find a group, go start a group.  Here’s a few places to start:

INETA- .NET developer groups

GITCA IT Pro groups



Preview for tomorrow…On the 4th day of CRM Dynamics gave to me… 4 certification exams

On the 2nd day of CRM Dynamics gave to me…2 product releases a year

Anyone that has ever made custom software knows that it takes time.  Even with a rapid development platform like Dynamics CRM a complex solution takes time.  Now to build that platform like Dynamics CRM, it takes longer.  Usually, years.  The team at Microsoft has started something new, something revolutionary.  Dynamics CRM will have two “major” releases a year.  So, I will give the caveat that this is not the same scale as you get from a 3 year cycle. We are a world of instant gratification, so for me I like this.  I think we will wind up with close to the same cumulative effect after the three years’ of releases that we would for a single BIG release, maybe a little more, but the waiting is gone.  But, the approach is great, give us more stuff more often.


Preview for day 3…

On the 3rd day of CRM Dynamics gave to me… 3 great user groups

On the 1st day of CRM Dynamics gave to me… a single user license

I know that my techie blog posts have been lacking and I have been trying to find my motivation again.  I woke up the other day with another hair-brained idea, the 12 days of CRM.  So, this is day 1 and yes, I have all 12 days queued up and ready to go.  So….

On the 1st day of CRM Dynamics gave to me… a single user license.

So why is this a gift?  It’s a game changer for small business.  Chances are if you are here you know the power of a good CRM system (yes, I removed branding there, we all know my fav is Dynamics CRM but I also understand there are others and that’s ok).  For a small business, that sole proprietor business, spending money can be a big deal.  BIG.  But, it’s vital that you do not look like that tiny one-person office, right?  You can’t make mistakes in planning, customer service, and so on.  I know for me personally CRM makes me look good, it’s so easy to use and makes people think I am much more organized than I really am.  So this single-user option with an already low-priced cost of entry makes Dynamics CRM a powerful tool that is accessible too.  Even if it’s one-user at a time.


On the 2nd day of CRM Dynamics gave to me…2 product releases a year…