On the 9th day of CRM Dynamics gave to me…9 new features

As part of the new and improved release cycle, we got a bucket of cool new features. 

  1. Duplicate detection upgrades- you can now exclude inactive records from dup rules AND a blank field will no longer be used to qualify a duplicate.
  2. New chart features- multi series and multi-category charts.  Up to 5 series and up to 2 categories.  Realistically, things get pretty cluttered after 3 series, but it’s there if you want it.
  3. Dynamic URLs you can call in processes- you know how everyone makes that auto-email to send out when a new lead is assigned?  But then the receiver still has to go FIND it?  Not anymore, you can plop that dynamic URL into the email so the receiver just clicks right to it.  Tadah.
  4. Activity feeds- Internal social-esque networking.  A rollup of activity based on selected record types.  You’ve got a summary for all types of records, and you have individual record walls too.  No one has a grip on what exactly social CRM looks like, but this is a great start.
  5. User auditing- who logged in when, could be useful in certain situations.  You are not logging clicks, but you can audit other records for changes too if you need more details.
  6. New chart types- you now have area charts and stacked options too.
  7. Outlook client enhancements- The Reading Pane has been enhanced to include: Sub grids & Notes, clickable links (email, telephone, lookups, party lists) in the form and sub grids,  clickable links in sub grids, Lync presence integration and several other miscellaneous enhancements.
  8. New SDK- nice and shiny new features, go listen to the recording from xRMVirtual’s meeting from the team that wrote the SDK.
  9. New response data types in dialogs- you can now include Data and Time, Date only and Lookups.

Preview for tomorrow…On the 10th day of CRM Dynamics gave to me…10 web resource types

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On the 8th day of CRM Dynamics gave to me… 8 years of CRM experience

Dec 12
In the early 2000’s we had a client in commercial real estate (ok, several clients in commercial real estate). We had worked with them on an enterprise project that held their property listings, custom property websites, commissions, marketing materials, etc....
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On the 10th day of CRM Dynamics gave to me…10 web resource types

Dec 14
Some of these are obvious (I think) but others deserve more time. The list is not in any order I made, it’s straight from the UI itself. A bunch of this content is direct from those that make CRM. Web...


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