On the 11th day of CRM Dynamics gave to me…11 industries to serve

The list from the Microsoft site has ten industries.  I added the last one.  With the virtually never-ending possibilities of taking CRM to xRM, there is no list that could be inclusive of all the opportunities.

Professionally, I’ve been fortunate enough to work to some degree on projects from almost all of these industries.  As a consumer, I’ve written in my head software to solve all the problems I’ve had with poor service that could have been solved with good CRM


  1. Government
  2. Financial Services
  3. Manufacturing
  4. Professional Services
  5. Healthcare Providers
  6. Health and Social Services
  7. Retail
  8. Hospitality and Entertainment
  9. Education
  10. Media
  11. YOURS


Preview for tomorrow…On the 12th day of CRM Dynamics gave to me…12 blogs to follow

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On the 10th day of CRM Dynamics gave to me…10 web resource types

Dec 14
Some of these are obvious (I think) but others deserve more time. The list is not in any order I made, it’s straight from the UI itself. A bunch of this content is direct from those that make CRM. Web...
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On the 12th day of CRM Dynamics gave to me…12 blogs to follow

Dec 16
I love and hate reading and making lists like this. There will always be someone left off, someone who gets their feelings hurt, and so on. Here’s my list, I hope you’d reply with your own blogs to follow! 1....


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