On the 10th day of CRM Dynamics gave to me…10 web resource types

Some of these are obvious (I think) but others deserve more time.  The list is not in any order I made, it’s straight from the UI itself.  A bunch of this content is direct from those that make CRM.

Web resources are simply a mechanism of extending CRM to meet your specific needs.  AS you can see from the list, this can be anything from an icon file to some pretty swanky custom Silverlight business apps.  The items for images are the same list, but I copied/pasted so you don’t have scroll up/down a bunch.

  1. Web page (HTML)- Because an HTML Web resource is just streamed to the user's browser, an HTML Web resource can include any content that is rendered on the user's browser.
  2. Limitations of HTML Web Resources
    • An HTML Web resource cannot contain any code that must be executed on the server. ASP.NET pages cannot be uploaded as HTML Web resources.
    • HTML Web resources can only accept one custom query string parameter called "data".
  3. Style Sheet (CSS)- With CSS Web resources, you can manage the appearance of Web page Web resources by linking them to a shared library of CSS styles.
  4. Limitations of CSS Web Resources-Like all Web resources, CSS Web resources are only available in the Microsoft Dynamics CRM security context. Only licensed Microsoft Dynamics CRM users who have the necessary privileges can access them.
  5. Script (JScript)- With Script Web resources, you can more efficiently manage code used in form scripts, Web page (HTML) Web resources, or Ribbon commands by linking them to shared library of JScript functions.
  6. Limitations of Script Web Resources-Like all Web resources, script Web resources use the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Web application security context. Only licensed Microsoft Dynamics CRM users who have the necessary privileges can access them.
  7. Data (XML)- Use XML Web resources to cache configuration settings or metadata for your solutions.
  8. An XML Web resource does not represent a robust solution for data that is frequently updated by multiple users. While one user is updating an XML Web resource, another user (or automated process) could update the Web resource and that data would be lost when the first user saves their changes.

    All XML files must use the .xml file name extension. Files that use XML data but do not use the .xml file name extension cannot be uploaded as Web resources unless the file name extension is changed.

  9. PNG format- With image Web resources you can add images where you need them. Common uses include the following:
    • Custom entity icons
    • Icons for custom Ribbon controls and SiteMap subareas
    • Decorative graphics for entity forms and Web page Web resources.
    • Background images that are used by CSS Web resources
  10. JPG format- With image Web resources you can add images where you need them. Common uses include the following:
    • Custom entity icons
    • Icons for custom Ribbon controls and SiteMap subareas
    • Decorative graphics for entity forms and Web page Web resources.
    • Background images that are used by CSS Web resources
  11. GIF format- With image Web resources you can add images where you need them. Common uses include the following:
    • Custom entity icons
    • Icons for custom Ribbon controls and SiteMap subareas
    • Decorative graphics for entity forms and Web page Web resources.
    • Background images that are used by CSS Web resources
  12. Silverlight (XAP)- We use this one a bunch.  You can have a Silverlight dev create a XAP file and hand it off to a customizer and they can plop it right in CRM, as a dashboard to make a custom page that won’t interfere with the site map or make any accidental dependencies.
  13. Style Sheet (XSL)- Use XSL Web resources to transform XML data used by your solution.
  14. ICO format- With image Web resources you can add images where you need them. Common uses include the following:
    • Custom entity icons
    • Icons for custom Ribbon controls and SiteMap subareas
    • Decorative graphics for entity forms and Web page Web resources.
    • Background images that are used by CSS Web resources


Preview for tomorrow…On the 11th day of CRM Dynamics gave to me…11 industries to serve

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