Checklist for my “Perfect” President
Sure I have some more specific requests (like it’s ok to tax the middle class and stop punishing small business owners) but this list gives some blanket generalizations. This is not complete, but just off the top of my head. I understand not everyone will agree with what seems logical to me, that’s ok.
- Not a perfect human being, some mistakes are good. But learn from them. Don’t tell me you didn’t inhale because we know you did. Don’t preach loyalty when you cheated on every wife you’ve had.
- Don’t just give stuff away. Sure there are unfortunate times for people, but the founding fathers had hopes and dreams of a greater society based on freedoms not handouts. So at home, make welfare have limitations that take care of the kids without rewarding couch potatoes. And yes, we need to take care of those that are either mentally or physically dependent on us for help. And abroad, maybe we should find an organization that does pass out aid in those dangerous areas and give money to them instead of putting our people at risk.
- Understand the difference between being the global police and fighting a war that is our own.
- Marriage is a Biblical term and our Constitution protects our people from having anyone’s religion forced upon them. But, our government in its infinite wisdom gave married folks certain rights and benefits that are bound by that government. So, if the government wants to be involved in the CONTRACT that is marriage, you can’t regulate that to be between man and woman unless you can justify it outside the confines of religion. Let consenting adults do what consenting adults want to do.
- Know that it’s Google, not THE Google. It’s the internet not the interwebs. Know what an online footprint is and how it affects people. In other words, be aware of technology and how fast it moves. (BTW why don’t we have a federal Secretary of Technology yet?)
- Don’t get so pissy about other sovereignties behaving like sovereign countries and not always following someone else’s rules when we don’t. Sure no one wants to think that Iran could launch a nuclear attack, but how is it our business? We don’t care what they say about Guantanamo, no?
- Speaking of Cuba, can we be done with that already?
- Chose a running mate that fills the gaps in your skillset, not one that agrees with your every opinion. We don’t need two of you.
- Take and pass your own citizenship test before you bad-mouth illegals in our country. You find far more stories of great immigrants than you do losers. Find a way to welcome people to our nation that was founded upon the blending of cultures.
- Value an educated society; you need the next generation to be smarter than us to fix the problems we’ve created.
- It’s ok to be morally imperfect. Some decisions a president has to make have no clear right or wrong, you will still have to make those decisions.
- Figure out how to make health care accessible to folks and fair to providers. My daughter’s recent hospitalization bills totaled more than $25k for her 3-day stay. Insurance paid less than $5k. My co-pay was $80. The hospital “wrote off” the rest. Yea, tell me that’s not broken.
- It’s ok to run our country a little more like a business for a while. It won’t be too popular, but we can’t keep going down this path of financial destruction without consequences. Is A Online Aggregate, We Purvey Nike Dunk Shoes, Nike Dunk High, Nike Dunk Inferior, Nike Shox Shoes. All Nike Sb Dunk Are High Quality, Procure Sleazy Nike Shoes Nowadays, Unencumbered Shipping. It Is Actually Wise To Obtain Nike Shoes Here.
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Posted by: KesAmiliemafe | May 11, 2012 at 12:20 PM