After the CRMUG Summit 2011 #CRMSummit
Ok, I can now admit I was a skeptic. Do we really need one more conference to go to? What makes this one THE one we need? But, it is actually a solid conference. And it’s not like every other conference.
What makes it different? A few things. You get legitimate CRM users and CRM makers in the same room talking on the same subjects. The attendees are not afraid to speak up in sessions. In a room of 40 or 50 people they will talk and learn from each other and the speaker. Sure I come to these events with the label “expert” and am happy to share, but I know there is so much more knowledge in the room and that I just need to facilitate the conversations. I don’t have every answer (and that’s ok). The attendees take notes! This little tidbit made my day, and it happened over and over again. It’s a conference for learning, with a side of networking, as opposed to some of the other conferences.
The expo hall is a combined one, so you get the vendors across the Dynamics realm, not just the CRMy ones. I wish there were more cross-specialty commingling than I saw (but in fairness there might have been and I missed it because my time there was so limited).
Event content and info is on the site linked below.
Thanks to CRMUG for having me, would love to come back.