After the CRMUG Summit 2011 #CRMSummit

Ok, I can now admit I was a skeptic.  Do we really need one more conference to go to?  What makes this one THE one we need?  But, it is actually a solid conference.  And it’s not like every other conference.

What makes it different?  A few things.  You get legitimate CRM users and CRM makers in the same room talking on the same subjects.  The attendees are not afraid to speak up in sessions.  In a room of 40 or 50 people they will talk and learn from each other and the speaker.  Sure I come to these events with the label “expert” and am happy to share, but I know there is so much more knowledge in the room and that I just need to facilitate the conversations.  I don’t have every answer (and that’s ok).  The attendees take notes!  This little tidbit made my day, and it happened over and over again.  It’s a conference for learning, with a side of networking, as opposed to some of the other conferences.

The expo hall is a combined one, so you get the vendors across the Dynamics realm, not just the CRMy ones.  I wish there were more cross-specialty commingling than I saw (but in fairness there might have been and I missed it because my time there was so limited).

Event content and info is on the site linked below.

Thanks to CRMUG for having me, would love to come back.


CRMUG Summit 2011

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