wow- stuttering student told not to talk in class

I am starting this by saying that my dad stuttered.  He was often told how stupid he was, he was put down, and even though I know he was a smart man, after decades of hearing it all around him, he certainly affected him.  His stuttering did help when all four of his teenage daughters were dating.  He tended to be quiet around people he’d just met.  The boys picking up his daughters had no idea WHY he was quiet.  They were just flat-out terrified of him.  I didn’t know this until years later and I remember the huge giggle fest he and I had when I told him what I had found out.

So, this 16 year old college student (yes, 16 year old college student, smart kid) is a stutterer.  He has been raised well and knows that his stutter has no bearing on his intelligence.  So, like any other good college student, he participates in classroom discussions.  That is when his professor emailed him and asked him to not speak in class.   Said he was taking too much time. The story link below gives more detail of the experience.  I am outraged.

Seems to me the professor is the one in need of an education.  First, she felt it her place to suppress this student and deny him the ability to participate in his own education.  Second, she was dumb enough to email the kid, so it’s all in writing.  This is just wrong in so many ways.  How dare she make this student feel anything less than the intelligent person he is.

I just wish I could do more to show my support for Phillip.

You ever get so fired up that you just can’t find the words you need to get your point across?  Yea, that’s me right now.  Fuming.

College adjunct tells stuttering student not to talk in class

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