Why men are in trouble…seriously? Are you yanking my chain here CNN?
Dear CNN, even though you put the 8pt font commentary disclaimer at the end of this diatribe, you still lend it credibility by linking to it from your home page and posting it at all.
This writer (former US Secretary of Education William Bennett) is an utter buffoon. He quotes statistics on the decline of men in our society without sharing that women STILL earn less than their male counterparts. He’s focused on the decline of men instead of the leveling off of the sexes. He implies that women lacked motivation before and now, suddenly we have it. And gasp, we’re educated too!
Sure more men are unemployed than before. And so are more women. It’s the economy more than some battle of the sexes. And then there’s the business aspect of it. If a man and a woman are doing the SAME job, with the SAME skills, chances are he makes more money. When it comes time to cut costs, guess what, the company saves more money with they layoff the higher paid (male) worker. You men have successfully worked yourselves out of a job, then blame it on women.
I’ve raised my kids to know that women and men are intellectual equals. Each person needs to be recognized for their own achievements, or lack of achievements. Gender is irrelevant.
Many many pioneers have helped women in our world achieved the gains we have now. We still have more strides to make. We owe it to women around the globe to help them gain the independence they want and deserve. Women in Saudi Arabia can’t even legally drive their own kids to school in their own cars or to their own jobs. Women in France are banned from wearing a Burka in public. These are developed nations. It gets worse in many places.
If Mr. Bennett feels the need for some commentary based on some fancy one-sided statistics there would probably be more entertainment value to topics such as alien abductions or politics. This commentary is ludicrous and offensive to all women or anyone that respects women.
Hi Julie
I came across the following blog, it talks about the same topics regarding female empowerment.
Have a read, maybe you find it as interesting:
Posted by: John van der Walt | October 10, 2011 at 04:47 AM
I could NOT agree more! That is why the gop has adopted a war on women! They are trying to drive us back to the 50's, barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen. This guy used stats about unwed mother growing, well that started because of MEN not taking on their responsibilities. Yes women have made strides, because we had to! Women had to support themselves and their children, the men were gone! More women can no support themselves without the help of a man and that is NOT a bad thing! Thanks for you post!
Posted by: Leslie | October 14, 2011 at 10:20 AM