My Introducing CRM to Developers Webcast Survey

The link below will get you to the recording, but you need to be a subscriber to Pluralsight to view it (totally worth it by the way).

I’d say the webcast went well, we had a large group and we had a good handful of questions.  Here is my survey that I posted as folks were joining the session.  I wanted o get a feel for the interest/understanding of the developers and CRM as a platform.

7-28-2011 8-57-46 AM

Yes, it was lighthearted, but don’t gloss over what it means, just ‘cause it’s cute.  All of this bodes well for Dynamics CRM as a platform.

I can spell CRM.  That tells me there are developers out there, hungry for a fresh platform, a new way to solve old problems.

Isn’t that just like Office?  Not a bad comparison.  There has been much work put into making the CRM experience a familiar, comfortable UI.

I heard you can do STUFF with it, but not sure what.  This is my favorite.  YES, you can do STUFF, lots and lots of STUFF.  Watch the webcast below to learn more of that STUFF.  Join xrmvirtual for a few sessions on how you can develop with Dynamics CRM.  Download the SDK. 

I’m here to pepper you with questions.  Woohoo!  Asking questions means you want to learn more.  That’s why the webcast was there to begin with, no?

Boss told me to be here, maybe I’ll learn something.  Another big fat woohoo here.  Business decision-makers and technical leads are paying attention and wanting their developers to join the xRM “thing”.

One of the questions I was asked was (paraphrased)…  If using CRM to develop makes us so much faster to implementations, isn’t that bad for job security for software developers?  My answer went something like…

I hire developers and if you come to me with a bigger toolbox of developer tricks, you are worth more to me and to my clients.  It makes you sustainable long-term, THAT’S job security.  It also allows you to move faster into newer technology, not spending as much time laying that foundation with things such as building forms, managing data security, workflows and reporting.  Dynamics CRM offers you all these things (and more) out of the box, so you can spend your time creating the things that make your software solution unique, not the things that you build over and over again for every solution.


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