National Debt…Gloria Steinem was RIGHT!
During the last Presidential election I was honored to be part of a group that hosted Gloria Steinem in Colorado. She was traveling to encourage women of all political influence to vote. It didn’t matter WHO you were voting for or against, just that you voted and participated in your world. I was fortunate enough to be able to bring my daughter to meet and spend time with this woman that I have respected for a long time.
One of the dangers of working hard to achieve great things is becoming comfortable. Once women like Gloria Steinem worked hard to help make the path of my generation’s women easier, we got comfortable. We don’t have the same view and struggles that were fought and won on our behalf. Our daughters are being raised knowing they are intellectually equal to men and can accomplish great things. So when given the opportunity to ask her anything I wanted, I asked her this…
With such great work by so many women to give our daughters the world they are now blessed with, how can we keep them from becoming comfortable and sliding back to a world where they feel less than equal?
It is her answer that applies to our current crisis de jour, the national debt. Her (paraphrased) answer was great.
She will get pissed off and find something worth fighting for. An injustice. A bad boss. A horrible government policy. Something will happen, make her angry and compel her into fighting that fight.
With all the discussion on the debt, the compromises in DC, the lack of compromise in DC, the lack of actual work happening in DC, the threats to our Constitution, people are getting involved! I am giddy! Even my husband called our Congressman yesterday.
I honestly don’t care which side of this debate that you sit on, just that you are aware and paying attention AND voicing your desires to those elected to represent that exact interest, YOU.
Several legislators are demanding an amendment to our Constitution in exchange for passing some sort of something or other about the national debt. Seriously? Shame on you! How dare you show such little respect for such powerful document. You have lost my vote.
Others are suggesting the president invoke the 14th Amendment. I have read it and though not a legal scholar, I don’t think it applies here. I do not think anyone is questioning the validity of the debt, and that’s what I read in that amendment. I could be wrong, like I said, I am not a legal scholar, but I do try to be an informed citizen.
Links below for you. Go read some of the constitution. Find your Senators and Representatives and let them know how you feel about this current hurdle and any other things that are important to YOU. They don’t have a chance of representing your needs and wants if they don’t know them.