I’m doing a CRM webcast for Pluralsight July 28

Click thru below, see some details.  The page is timely, so when you click thru you may or may not have to scroll to find me Smile.

Ok, so here’s the deal.  If you’re reading this blog, you know what I know, Dynamics CRM really is a platform.  Call it whatever you want, CRM, xRM, eXtended CRM, the result is the same, a great re-useable, re-purposeable platform.  Tweak it a lot, tweak it a little, it still rocks (well rocks as well as software can rock).  So share this with your developer friends.  My draft so far…

  • this is CRM- 2 slides
  • this is why it’s a platform- 5 slides
  • this is what you can do with it- 5 slides
  • here’s where you can learn more- 2 slides (or more cause there’s lots of resources)

The rest of the hour is demos, examples, Q/A.  As I make the deck, the slide count will fluctuate for sure, but you get the idea of my goals.

Send me your questions in advance if you want.  Ideas of important things to include.  I welcome any of it to make this a better show.

While you’re clicking around the Pluralsight site pay attention, these folks offer loads of valuable training.


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