Dear Mr. Ballmer…

The Convergence website had been soliciting questions to be asked of Steve Ballmer at his Convergence keynote.  For whatever reason, none of the submitted questions were ever asked of him at the keynote.  I had submitted a question that I really wanted answered.  So anyone out there that may be reading this AND have a ear to his office, my question to Steve Ballmer:

Question: With the release of Dynamics CRM 2011 and all that it offers developers (developers developers) it has become clear that xRM is here to stay (woohoo).  However, with little to no coverage for CRM at Microsoft technical and developer events how can we become a first class development option?

(There’s one “CRM” session on the books for Tech Ed North America out of 760 and most of my developer friends are spending this week in Las Vegas at MIX)



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Prosecuting and legislating what they don’t understand

Apr 4
We’ve got phone apps being developed faster than you can say app-store and we have a distinct lack of rules/regulations that apply to this group of technology advances. There are parent level laws that might apply, but were written by...
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Top Dynamics CRM Community Resources

Apr 22
This list is a revised version of the bit I did with Anne Stanton at Convergence DayONE General Session. This list is far from complete, but hopefully thorough. The most important resource is YOU. Sure, on the surface that sounds...


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