Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Launch Events (at last!!)

At long last, launch events!!  It seems that I’ve been hearing about CRM 2011 (or CRM5) coming out long enough, no?  I’m ready for a fully live fully awesome product launch, and now we have them.

I love the idea of the virtual launch combined with in-person events, goes right along with the cool cloud offering with CRM Online and the on-premise choice you have with CRM 2011.

There are 15 different tracks you can take, but for me, I kinda want to see some from all of them.   Why?  No, not crazy (well, THIS doesn’t make me crazy).  It’s because I just know that something exciting someone figured out with healthcare CRM can spark idea for me when I am making xRM applications. 

One of my favorite things in CRM 2011 is how quickly and easily I can turn my far-fetched ideas into software reality for my cutting-edge clients and for my 2am hair-brained ideas, no code required.  Then when it’s time for code, the possibilities to me are virtually limitless.

I know I am biased, but so are you, you’re hear reading my biased blog, right?  Winking smile

Tracks and link to register here:


New CRM Software | Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Launch Events

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