CRM Migration Assistant @ Mitch Milam's Dynamics CRM Discussions
CRM Accelerators has released the CRM Migration Assistant to help developers transition their JavaScript from CRM 4.0 object model to the CRM 2011 object model.
Not only does the Migration Assistant perform an object model conversion, it also converts many commonly used, but unsupported, development practices into fully-supported CRM 2011 JavaScript. Things like she showing and hiding of fields, tabs, navigation elements, etc.
Finally, a report is produced during the conversion process identifying the usage and location of attributes, functions, and iFrames found within your JavaScript. It also notes any conversion issues or points where you may need to hand-modify the converted code to prevent future issues.
For additional information and to download the demo, visit:
CRM Accelerators is giving any xRMVirtual User Group member 10% off the list price of the application.
Just apply the discount code: XRMUG
During the checkout process.
CRM Migration Assistant @ Mitch Milam's Dynamics CRM Discussions