Silverlight 4 Jumpstart book FINALLY released

We finished work on this book what seems like a loooong time ago.  However, we had some “issues” that were beyond our control that prevented its full release.  The book has quietly been distributed to Amazon.   We’ve been selling it in electronic form for a little while but today, finally today, we were able to get our live site ready to sell direct to you. 

So….all of that brings us to here, Silverlight 4 Jumpstart is awesome (in my biased opinion).  It’s written by one of the smartest people I know, David Yack.  He is able to bring to you his extended experience and knowledge of Silverlight in a way that is approachable.  The writing style is different than most other technology books, it’s more of a conversation between you and David. 

Use the link below to order directly from us (if Amazon is your thing, no hard feelings, we make money when it sells there too, promise).  Here’s a couple of discount codes for you, each one offers you 50% off the retail price of either the print book or the eBook.  The eBook is only available for purchase direct with us.

For print book:  Julie Blog 4 Book

For eBook: Julie Blog 4 eBook

If you’re an owner of any of our previous books, watch your email for discount codes there too.

Silverlight Jumpstart

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Suman Rayabharapu

I heard that Silverlight 4 Jumpstart by David and Julie Yack was amazing from my VP, is there anyway I can get a ebook of the same

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