Do your homework- both buyers and sellers of Dynamics CRM

I’m going to start this post with a request to read the whole thing before you form opinions or pass judgment on me for its content.  I promise to come full circle if you stick with me.

I received what I believe to be a legitimate solicitation email attempting to get my business to utilize their CRM services for Dynamics CRM.  I’ve pasted part of it below.


This email came to me from a firm that professes its expertise in Dynamics CRM and its relationship as a prestigious partner with Microsoft.  No, I will not share the name of the organization or the individual it came from, that is not the point.  I am sure they are a fine organization that simply made a mistake today, we all do it.  Now let’s learn from it.

The email has many formatting errors and issues, looks like a copy/paste problem to me.  First piece of CRM email advice, make a marketing list called “Test” and use it.  Have the list contain members within and outside of your domain/firewall/AD environment.  Use it first before sending things like this.  Second piece of advice, be weary of copy/paste from another source into the email dialogue, this is not simply a CRM issue, it’s all WYSIWYG’s.  This could become an issue for any of us, so until you learn which fonts/programs copy/paste well for you, send out lots of tests.  Images?  Links? Again, TEST TEST TEST.  CRM can and will send your pretty emails, just test first to make sure it really is going to be what you are looking for.

So, Dynamics CRM sellers, partners, experts…make sure that you maintain a professional appearance when touting your CRM expertise in solicitations.  I doubt this campaign will get you any business.  Be aware of your strengths and weaknesses.  Partner with other firms that strengthen your weaknesses to better serve your clients.

Dynamics CRM buyers and users…shop around a little before deciding on your provider.  Know what they excel at, and don’t excel at doing in CRM.  Are they good implementers?  Customizers? xRM-ers?  Your needs are different and their expertise is different.  You can and will find a partner that works for your needs.  Heck if you want some direct advice, drop me an email and I will step you thru finding one (privately).

I don’t believe any listing process is perfect, but I know the Dynamics’ team tries their best to ensure labeled partner organizations have earned their stripes.  I’ve linked below to the partner finder page.

Find partners here.

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