Pay-What-You-Can Training, I am constantly amazed by this community

I am humbled to be considered a part of such a great and generous group of people.  Our professional .NET community always seems to find a way to outdo the last big thing.

As if user groups that are already full of volunteers efforts for organizing, presenting, sponsoring weren’t enough, we now have Pay what you can training.  It is exactly like it sounds, pay what you can, even if that happens to be $0.

The training normally goes for $500 and if you are on your company’s dime, that’s what you should be paying.  And only YOU will know what you pay unless you make I known otherwise.

(the fact that this one happens to cover test driven development is a bonus to me!)

So your directive??  A few things… Spread the word.  Find places where you too could give back and then DO IT.  Tell me about it, I’ll spread the word too.

October 26th in Waltham MA.  Details below.

Pay-What-You-Can Training |

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Michael de la Maza


Thanks for mentioning Pay-What-You-Can!

Here is a little poem about Pay-What-You-Can:

When you wish to learn
Without financial burn
Make it your plan
To choose Pay-What-You-Can
We believe in reciprocity
Instead of pomposity
Our focus is trust
Not fake gold dust

Here is Dan Mezick's article on Pay-What-You-Can in InfoQ:

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