15 Favorites Dynamics CRM Solutions
I get many emails asking for my opinion on things; some even asking me to publicly give my opinion without first knowing what it is. Not sure that even I am that brave. If it is an individual, a well-meaning individual, and my opinion is unfavorable, I will often just reply privately with my opinion; though I have been known to share an unfavorable public opinion, I always try to be fair.
Last week Lauren Carlson asked me just that. Here’s a link to something I wrote, could you share your opinion on your blog?
She’s worked hard on compiling a list of industry vertical solutions based on Dynamics CRM. First off, I admire the undertaking, it is not a small one. Second, though I don’t agree with all her choices, I agree with the path she took to get there, it makes sense (and no I won’t publicly or privately comment on the solutions individually, so please don’t ask).
My public suggestion to Lauren is that her list is a little limited, that there are more industries that could have (should have) been addressed and that it is possible that in the same industry more than one solution could be the “best” because their functions are really different. My challenge to her is to expand that, if only in her own mind.
Thank you Lauren.