Updates to new-ish VPC for Dynamics CRM4

Some errors/issues found and corrected, details below.

You still need Customer Source or Partner Source credentials to access.

Here are the file links for now if you need to download it:

CRM 4.0 July 2010 VPC.part01.exe https://mbs.microsoft.com/fileexchange/?fileID=9548ce72-6fb0-49ca-b63e-1c1105401bcf

CRM 4.0 July 2010 VPC.part02.rar https://mbs.microsoft.com/fileexchange/?fileID=f52f2e65-92c3-46b8-b336-785052c3183c

CRM 4.0 July 2010 VPC.part03.rar https://mbs.microsoft.com/fileexchange/?fileID=b84e4e74-d878-42e9-9b11-946e2e22a7b6

CRM 4.0 July 2010 VPC.part04.rar https://mbs.microsoft.com/fileexchange/?fileID=e6f195f3-d929-412d-b73a-9b83f067db93

If you are just looking to fix the copies you have simply copy the directories ‘C:\Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0\Accelerators\CUSTOMER_PORTAL_RTW_R1’ and ‘C:\Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0\Accelerators\PARTNER_PORTAL_RTW_R2.01‘ to the root of C: then all should be right in the universe and you will not have to restart anything.

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Rather enlightening and beneficial post. You've got good command within the topic and have explained in a incredibly nice way. Thanks for sharing.

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