Updates to new-ish VPC for Dynamics CRM4
Some errors/issues found and corrected, details below.
You still need Customer Source or Partner Source credentials to access.
Here are the file links for now if you need to download it:
CRM 4.0 July 2010 VPC.part01.exe https://mbs.microsoft.com/fileexchange/?fileID=9548ce72-6fb0-49ca-b63e-1c1105401bcf
CRM 4.0 July 2010 VPC.part02.rar https://mbs.microsoft.com/fileexchange/?fileID=f52f2e65-92c3-46b8-b336-785052c3183c
CRM 4.0 July 2010 VPC.part03.rar https://mbs.microsoft.com/fileexchange/?fileID=b84e4e74-d878-42e9-9b11-946e2e22a7b6
CRM 4.0 July 2010 VPC.part04.rar https://mbs.microsoft.com/fileexchange/?fileID=e6f195f3-d929-412d-b73a-9b83f067db93
If you are just looking to fix the copies you have simply copy the directories ‘C:\Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0\Accelerators\CUSTOMER_PORTAL_RTW_R1’ and ‘C:\Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0\Accelerators\PARTNER_PORTAL_RTW_R2.01‘ to the root of C: then all should be right in the universe and you will not have to restart anything.
Rather enlightening and beneficial post. You've got good command within the topic and have explained in a incredibly nice way. Thanks for sharing.
Posted by: | August 11, 2010 at 06:41 AM