“New” gov't rules allow unapproved iPhone apps and more
So they have ruled that jailbreaking your iphone is legal. Not surprised at all. There is no change to anything, merely clarifying how current laws apply to current technology. No brouhaha happening. But loads of free publicity for Apple.
Yes, this will make Apple devices more prone to viruses, the reason they have been less prone to viruses is because the bad guys are opportunists. If the multiplier is bigger, then target that group and Microsoft has long had a bigger market than Apple. It’s not that Apple owners haven’t been jailbreaking already, but those that may have been on the fence will be more likely to do it now. So that makes that group a bigger target. Now Apple needs to have a bigger/better team of folks working on virus protection, recognizing vulnerabilities to their products, etc. Welcome to the majors Apple. Competition is good.
I assume the Windows Phone 7 team is listening, it applies to them too.