Help me build my new bucket list?

This year has had more travel and more adventures and I have checked off the Africa box and the Ireland box.  I need to make my new list of places I have to see.  Help me?  Tell me where I should visit, give me links, tell me stories?

I need to get to someplace in South America, Asia and (brrr) Antarctica so I can claim each continent on my list, I’ve covered the others.

What do I need to see?  What else does our world have to offer?

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Updates to new-ish VPC for Dynamics CRM4

Jul 20
Some errors/issues found and corrected, details below. You still need Customer Source or Partner Source credentials to access. Here are the file links for now if you need to download it: CRM 4.0 July 2010 VPC.part01.exe CRM 4.0 July...
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“New” gov't rules allow unapproved iPhone apps and more

Jul 27
So they have ruled that jailbreaking your iphone is legal. Not surprised at all. There is no change to anything, merely clarifying how current laws apply to current technology. No brouhaha happening. But loads of free publicity for Apple. Yes,...


Dimaz Pramudya

Go to Thailand. Beautiful country and shopping paradise in Asia. Everything is just so insanely cheap up there. :)

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