Free online event on SSRS
On Tuesday July 27 at 11am Eastern my friend AJ Jones is delivering a webinar on SQL Server Reporting Services. If you are a CRM/xRM developer and are not familiar with SSRS, you pretty much have to attend. The power that SSRS adds to Dynamics CRM reporting is soooooo cool, you will start finding new ways to add it to your deployments all the time. While this webinar is not directed to CRM itself, I know that AJ has vast CRM knowledge and will surely tie that in as well as be able to entertain your questions about that as well.
Registration link below.
(I am aware that I call a lot of people here my friends but be assured that I don’t use that term lightly. AJ has for two years running flown from Indianapolis to Denver to present at the Rocky Mountain Tech Tri-fecta (in a Colorado winter no less) and has been one of our highest rated speakers at either event. He is pretty good and smart.)