xRM Newsletter May 2010
Loads of exciting things going on in the Dynamics CRM world, they all pretty much spill over into our xRM world. Read on after the upcoming meeting links for the cool news! This is by far our most jam-packed newsletter yet.
All meetings are at 9am Pacific time, and all meetings are recorded. We use the web-based audio with Live Meeting, no call in numbers. Visit our events page for meeting links and watch your inbox for the meeting invitations. www.xrmvirtual.com/events
May 27- Crash Course in Intellectual Property. As an xRM developer you are now out there creating intellectual property, either for yourself or someone else. Should you handle this property any differently? What is your exposure? What risks and benefits do you face?
June 1- New Portal Accelerators for Beginners. You’ve heard some of the buzz around the release of the new Portal Accelerators, now get a hands on look and an introduction to the new portal accelerators, see how to set it up on the demo VPC and walk through the site functionality. Bring your questions, our presenter worked as part of the team that created this accelerator.
June 24- An Advanced Look at the new Portal Accelerators. See the code behind the newest accelerator! Join us and see how to customize and then a code-walkthrough of the site code. We’ll be showing off some of the techniques like generating user interfaces from CRM views and forms. Bring your questions, our presenter worked as part of the team that created this accelerator.
xRM News
xRM showcase- The xRMShowcase is in full swing, loads of entries, loads of votes! The showcase site itself is its own xRM story and one of the projects you can vote on to win. Even if you don’t have a project of your own to submit, the site is worth a visit to see what other great solutions based on xRM are out there. www.xrmshowcase.com .
New SDK release- A great blog post from MVP David Yack here with details on how to get started with the new SDK. Microsoft released CRM SDK 4.0.12 - before you just download it and think its just another minor update – read on. This update includes what is being referred to as Advanced Developer Extensions. Before you stop reading saying “I’m not advanced” – “Advanced” I believe is marketing’s way of saying this builds on top of the strong foundation that CRM already provided – not that you need to be a “Super Advanced” developer to use it. In reality, it’s advanced because it’s going to simplify how you interact with the CRM data. More specifically, it will allow you to use the LINQ expression syntax that developers have been using since C#3/VB9 to build queries. Additionally, this introduces the idea of using the normal .NET data types instead of the CRM specific ones e.g CRMBoolean. In the past, CRM had specific types for CRM Boolean because at the time .NET didn’t support nullable types… more at http://tinyurl.com/2eyqcts.
New extensions released- Another great blog post with details, this time from MVP David Jennaway. The CRM 4.0.12 SDK has recently been released. Normally an SDK update is not particularly significant, but in this case it includes some major enhancements, which come under the banner of 'Advanced Developer Extensions'. This post is intended to cover the scope and limitations of the new extensions as I see them, and how they differ from the original CRM programming model. What are the new extensions…more at http://tinyurl.com/35tyspd
New Statement of Direction- Yes, it even has some more CRM5 details for your review. Blog post on it here… http://tinyurl.com/2f7xfho Let me know if you want a copy, I can send it along.
New xRM Whitepapers- These papers cover various aspects surrounding the use of xRM as a custom solution platform. These papers could be the starting point or seed for a new way of creating customized solutions that are based on the way your company does business. http://tinyurl.com/2upwz7u