The most excellent new feature in Word 2010
For years (seriously years) I have complained that in Word I could only select connected items. So for example, in versions past, I might have reason to make changes on a document to only bits and pieces of the text. Items that probably don’t have an easily definable relationship. Say, in a group of paragraphs I need to change the words Dynamics and enterprise and work to all be RED. I could not select them all, just one at a time. Now in Office 2010 I can select bits and pieces and apply formatting.
Apply formatting
So, how did i do that?
Normally to select you click the left mouse button and drag the mouse to highlight your selection. You still do that, but to add more items, click CTRL then left mouse and drag. Takes a couple times of doing it before you’re used to it, but it’s pretty cool. I found it totally on a whim, I was hoping the feature was added and guessed on how I would do it if I were designing Word, and tadah, it worked!
Score one for Office 2010.
Now if the product team is listening, why can’t I multi-select and make a comment linking the items together in my single comment?