Preparing for Tech Ed 2010

I’ve been to Tech Ed a handful of times and am going this year.  This year will be different.  For me at least.

Different how?  I will be working in the Technical Learning Center and I am bringing my son and he’s helping out in the Birds of a Feather sessions.  We will also both hang out at the INETA booth in the community area often, come say hi.  Also different for me this year is the 2010 INETA Community Leadership Summit.  The summit is not new, they’ve happened many times before.  New for me this year?  Not an attendee but I’m leading the charge to run it this year.  It looks a little different from this side, but not much.  Still looks like a day full of awesome content and interaction between our user group leaders and influencers.

I hope to get to some actual sessions this year, last year I arrived late and managed to spend most of my time working and networking.

Never been to a Tech Ed before?  Here’s what you need to know… it’s huge, a bit overwhelming if it’s your first big conference.  Have a plan of attack, make sure to include the important sessions of course, time in the expo hall (cool products and cool swag), networking events/parties.  The learning you get from attendees will be just as valuable as the stuff you get from the actual sessions themselves.  Talk to the right people.  The networking is a big deal, especially for me, a consultant.   My name needs to be out there, it gives me credibility.  I need to have meet/greet time with many people so they remember me when they go back to the office and need to hire someone to help their team.  Hire someone like me :)

I wish there was more Dynamics CRM on the agenda, but not my call.  There are some powerful and compelling opportunities out there for development, but the average developer has no idea, they’ve never been exposed.  There is also a shortage of qualified CRM developers.  Sounds like it would be a great match, but again, not my call.



Microsoft TechEd North America 2010 - Home

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My gender is NOT a handicap

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Stephen McMahon

Hi Julie,

I used to be a regular at the CSDNUG, but I've been out of town for a couple of years. Fortunately I'll be moving back in a month. I'd be interested in learning more about Dynamics CRM development. Do you think that you may use it as the topic of any upcoming user group meetings?

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