Convergence 2010 ATL…why should you go?

Yup, it’s a conference.  Yup, it’s a Microsoft conference.  What makes THIS one that YOU should attend?

First of course, I’ll be there (wink).

Seriously, it’s one that’s pretty full of practical, go home and use it at the office tomorrow kinda content.  Go to the session catalog, search on your fav technology, say CRM for example.  You get 93 sessions returned.  93!  Reporting.  Strategy.  Accelerators.  xRM.  Social networking.  This is is the NOW of Dynamics CRM.  Might be enough to fill your brain, no?  And yes, I'm doing a few sessions and be writing a separate post on that soon, promise.  Many of the sessions are not your typical conference sessions, they are interactive, come and share YOUR story along with ours, learn from each other sessions.  Learning from each others’ successes (and failures too) is one of my favorite ways to absorb info.

Now, sessions are covered, we’ve got networking.  There are the typical attendee and product team parties/happy hours/etc.  In addition to that the Convergence site has a cool whiz-bang tool that allows you to organize your side meetings around your chosen sessions.  Go search on something, say CRM, and you’ll get some 250 returns of people with like interests that you can setup a meeting with while in Atlanta.  Loads of smart people there.  Meet them, shake some hands, learn some, teach some.

Expo hall…this year’s expo hall is sold out, and they extended the offering too.  What that says to me, is that we are all just about to bust wide open we’re just so darn excited about where our technologies are headed.  Ok, so maybe an exaggeration on the busting open thing.  But, you get the idea.  Wander around look at what others are doing, learn from them, get inspiration for making the next WOW thing when you get home.

Now comes the direct access to product teams and industry experts.  Yes, all these folks (I’m one of this group, helping at the CRM booths, come say hi) are quite receptive to emails and phone calls.  But, there is still something to be said about saying Hello in person, getting that handshake and eye contact.  Also, some might be intimidated, then they see we are all normal too and are easy to approach with questions and suggestions, or just a simple hello.

See you in Atlanta.

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Convergence 2010 Atlanta

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There are going to be so many good companies and friends there. The networking opportunities alone are astonishing. Two more weeks!

Chris H

Just got back from Convergence, and it was well worth the time and effort to attend. You even inspired me to start my own blog!

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